Board of Directors / Conseil d'administration
The Canadian Field Crop Research Alliance is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of a representative from each member organization that wishes to have a seat on the Board. The CFCRA currently has 9 Directors on its Board, including:
- Michelle Beaith, FP Genetics
- Josh Cowan, Grain Farmers of Ontario (Vice President / vice-président )
- Allison Fletcher, Saskatchewan Pulse Growers
- Wade Hainstock, Prairie Oat Growers Association (President / président)
- Jeff Reid, SeCan
- Heather Russell, Atlantic Grains Council (Secretary Treasurer / secrétaire)
- Katherine Stanley, Manitoba Crop Alliance
- Cassandra Tkachuk, Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers
- Salah Zoghlami, Producteurs de grains du Québec
For Director contact information, please email: [email protected]